Creating Saved Filters
The Saved Filters tool can be found in the upper right of any page and looks like a little funnel. It is one of the most powerful tools on Edelweiss. By using Saved Filters you can narrow the results you see on any given page to just those things that interest you.
Click on the Saved Filters link and you will be directed to the Saved Filters screen, where you can select existing filters as well as create new ones.

Click Add New Filter to get to the filter creation screen. You can add a filter that tells you which titles are forthcoming from specific publishers or choose books by subject. To choose by subject, click the down arrow next to “Edelweiss Vendor”. This brings up various options

Let’s say you like fiction but not all fiction. You can narrow the types of fiction you see by choosing those attributes. Simply click on the plus sign to add the attribute to the filter. Many attributes are further defined. You can find these by clicking the down arrow next to the plus sign. In this example, I have added Historical Fiction and Literary Fiction but excluded Mashups or Medical. I have drilled down in Mystery & Detective and added Historical.

You can further define this filter by adding a date limitation. You can choose frontlist (pub dates within the last two years) or backlist. You can add custom dates as well. Then just name your filter and click Save:

As you add elements to your saved filter, you can see in the lower right of the filter screen how many titles meet that criteria. In addition to creating your own saved filters, you can also use the BISAC filters that Edelweiss has already loaded. When you are ready to apply a filter to a section in Edelweiss, just chose genre filters and then select the genre that is relevant.

The ability of Edelweiss to apply filters is dependent on the metadata that the publisher supplies for each title. For this reason, you should avoid using Dewey filters to find new titles. Since many of the books are pre-pub, some more than 8 months in advance, not every publisher is going to have the Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication(CIP) data for their titles. As a result Dewey numbers may be missing so you will miss a lot of new titles if you only filter by Dewey. If you try adding a Dewey filter to a subject filter, you will find even fewer as it will “and” the two terms together.
You can share your saved filters with other’s at your library. Just find the filter, click on Edit Filter and tick the box next to that option. You can also change elements of the filter or delete it.

Once you have set up your filters, you can apply them to your widgets and other parts of Edelweiss. To add a saved filter to a widget, like the Digital Review Copy widget, click on the gear icon and where it says click here to set.

You can then apply your saved filter or choose one of the genre filters. That filter will now only display those titles. You can use Saved Filters in the Buzz section as well as the Review Copies section.
Refining your results
In addition to using saved filters, you can also Refine Results. The options are on the left side of any page. You can select multiple elements to further narrow the focus of the titles that you are seeing. For example, In the Honors section, you can refine your results to those titles where review copies are available, by multiple categories, specific publication dates, format etc. Just tick the boxes next to each element that you wish to apply.

Searching & Sorting
If you are looking for a specific title or keywords, you can enter them in the search box at the top of each page. If you hover over the search box, you will see a gear icon. Clicking on that icon will allow you to tell Edelweiss where you want it to search.

The default is shown above. If you get a lot of results, you can search within the list of search results by entering the terms within the second search box located at the top of the results. Edelweiss will start auto-filling based on what is in the list

From your search results, you can sort the results by clicking on the icon AZ Sort. Tick the box next to the attribute that you wish to sort by. You can also click on the small arrow in the upper right of that pop up to switch between ascending and descending order.