Using The Shelf Report

This supplemental Analytics report will provide you with an objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your bookstore’s inventory, help identify specific areas to…

Location Performance Comparison

The Location Performance Comparison lane gives you the chance to compare your different shop locations’ performance against each other. The basic concept is really the same as…

Location Comparison

For multi-store accounts! The Location Comparison lane provides an easy way to see titles stocked in one of your store locations, but not another, and how those…

Restock Support

The basic premise behind this tool is to show the status of titles you’ve recently sold, and the stock or order status of those titles.…

Historical Overview

The Historical Overview lane is really pretty simple, but full of important information. You can quickly see, for your whole store, or for whichever Filter you have set, monthly…

Category Performance Comparison

The purpose of the Category Performance Comparison lane is to give you a tool with which you can compare your different categories to each other to see…