Catalogs 101: Creation

Now you are ready to make your first catalog in Edelweiss+! Before you get started, be sure to: ensure we’ve received your data (write to…

Publisher Page 101: Branding and Setup

Your branded publisher page lends many opportunities for marketing, publicity, and company messaging.  Make the most of it! Administration Center To get to administrative features…

Setting Up Your Profile & Account

Edelweiss+ is the digital catalog platform for publishers and over 135,000 book professionals. It’s where the industry goes to market, sell, discover, and order new titles. With…

Tags & Notes

Tags are a great and easy way to create lists of titles on the fly. You and your staff are able to collaborate on Tags, making…


See details here about using Shelves. The Shelves page and widgets will help you keep track of items you and your colleagues have added to shelves, allowing you to closely…

Reviews & Buzz

You can write reviews for any titles in Edelweiss+. Those reviews can be between you and your staff, or you can share them with the…


Communities are groups of users with similar interests or functions. Belonging to a Community is a great way to make Edelweiss+ even more customized and useful. You’ll need…

Event Grids

An Event Grid is basically just a list of authors of upcoming titles that publishers are planning on sending out on tour. Event Grids are…